Frequently Asked Questions...

Why would our community want a web site?
Neighborhood News Web was developed in order to help promote and improve communications in residential communities. If you've worked on one of your neighborhood committees, you know how difficult it can be to distribute timely, up-to-date information to your community.  Having a community web site allows residents to gather and share information amongst themselves and also with board members, committee members, property managers and others in a quick and easy manner. In today's fast-paced society, there is often not enough time to perform day-to-day activities and also keep up with what is going on in the community. With a community web site, residents who miss a meeting or a newsletter don't have to miss out. When their schedule allows, they can catch up on the latest happenings in their neighborhood. They can visit the community web site to read newsletters and notices, participate in discussion forums, take opinion polls, view upcoming events on a calendar, find a neighbors phone number in the directory, and more.

What is the cost to design and setup a web site for our community?
There is a $50 setup fee if you want a public section for your website.  There is no design or setup fee for your private website.  Neighborhood News Web has put a lot of thought and effort into designing a template that works well for all neighborhoods.  The template allows us to setup new websites quickly, and update your website easily with no interruption to your service.

Who makes changes and additions to our community web site?
It's up to you.  Everyone in the neighborhood can make changes and additions, or you can have an administrator, or group of administrators make the changes.

How hard is it for us to make changes to the web site?
Updates to your site are done through your browser.  So if you know how to surf the net, you know how to update your neighborhood website.

How much space or storage are we allowed for our web site?
Neighborhood News Web does not put restrictions on the size of your website.

How do we post news, newsletters and forms to our website?
You upload your documents and forms directly to our website through our news management software.  Notices and bulletins are also added through the news management software.  The software is 100% web based so you access it through your browser.  There's nothing to download or install on your computer.  It's easy to learn.  If you can surf the web, you can administer your website!

Can we put pictures on our community web site?
Yes.  You can attach as many pictures as you want to any news article.  In addition, you can download pictures of neighbors, houses and committee members, to be included in the directories.

What would the web address of our community web site be?
Residents can access your neighborhood website at Neighborhood News Web by entering their username and password.  If you want your own domain name, see the next question.

What if we want our own "domain name" such as
We will be glad to register your domain name for you.  The current cost for domain registration is $9.20/year.  You can choose this option when you sign up.

How much is all of this going to cost us?
You pay $49.95 per month.  The first 2 months are free!  For a neighborhood of 100 homes that's 50 cents per household!  If you want your own domain name, add $9.20/year.  If you want public web pages, there is a one time $50 setup fee.

Why shouldn't we build our own website?
Many communities have done just that, but here's the problem so many neighborhoods have encountered.  That one person in the neighborhood that knows how to build and administer your website just moved!  Now your stuck.  In a short period of time, the website is no longer useful because it's out of date.  Just take a look at some neighborhood websites.  You'll see what we're talking about!

Our property management company offers website services. Why shouldn't I use them?
What if you decide that you no longer want to work with your property management company? Now you've lost your website and have to start over again. Keep your website service separate from your property management company so you can be flexible in the decisions you make down the road.

Does Neighborhood News Web sell neighborhood data to third parties?
Your residents can rest assured that Neighborhood News Web will not sell names, address, phone numbers or other data within the community database to third parties. We state this specifically in section 4.2 of our agreement.